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[spoiler title=”SEPTEMBER – WRZESIEŃ” open=”0″ style=”2″]

Powtórzenie i utrwalenie fraz:
*good morning– dzień dobry
*What’s your name?


‘Hello, hello how are you’ (na przywitanie)
‘Bye, bye, see you soon’ (pa, pa do zobaczenia wkrótce)

*goodbye– do widzenia

Rymowanka: ‘Good morning’

Good morning, Good morning, how are you today?
I’m fine thanks, let’s learn and play!’

New vocabulary /nju wokabjuleri/- nowe słownictwo:
house- dom
bedroom- sypialnia
dining room /dajnin rum/- jadalnia
living room- pokój dzienny
kitchen /kiczyn/- kuchnia
toilet- toaleta
bathroom /bafrum/- łazienka
attic- strych
garage /garaż/- garaż
garden- ogród
stairs- schody
bed- łóżko
table- stół
sofa- kanapa
window- okno
doors- drzwi
wardrobe /łordżrop/- szafa
desk- biórko
chair /czer/- krzesło
armchair- fotel
lamp- lampa
sleep- spać
brush my teeth– myć zęby,
eat- jeść,
play hide and seek– grać w chowanego;
big- duży;
small- mały
roof- dach
chimney /czimni/- komin

Polecane piosenki:

[/spoiler] [spoiler title=”OCTOBER – PAŹDZIERNIK” open=”0″ style=”2″]

Vocabulary /wokabjuleri/ SŁOWNICTWO:

In the Kindergarten– w przedszkolu
rubber- gumka do gumowanie
bagpack- plecak
book- książka
ruler- linijka
pencil- ołówek
pencil case– piórnik
pen- długopis
peg- wieszak
crayons- kredki
paints- farby
classroom- klasa
chair- krzesło
table- stolik
*desk- biurko
*board- tablica
*chalk /czok/- kreda
under- pod
in- w
on- na
Where is…?- Gdzie jest?
school- szkoła
teacher- nauczyciel
student- student, uczeń
pupil- uczeń
kindergarten=preschool /priskul/ przedszkole


’What goes in my bag?

Refren: I’m going to school. I’m going to school.

  1. Can you help me? Can you help me?
    Here is a fish and a starfish, Here is a rubber and a book.
    What goes in my bag? The rubber and the book go in my bag.

Refren: I’m going to school…

  1. Here is my cat and my shark, Here is my pencil and my crayons.
    What goes in my bag? The pencil and the crayons go in my bag.

Refren: I’m going to school…

  1. Here is my teddy and my turtle, Here is my pencil case and my paints. What goes in my bag? The pencil case and the paints go in my bag.

Rhyme /rajm/ Rymowanka:

I’m going to school

  1. I’m going to school. I’m going to school.
    I’ve got my bag. I’ve got my bag.
    Where’s my pencil case? Where’s my pencil case?
    It’s in my bag. It’s in my bag.
  2. I’m in my classroom I’m in my classroom.
    I’m at my peg. I’m at my peg.
    Where’s my bag? Where’s my bag?
    It’s on my peg. It’s on my peg.
  3. I’m at my table. I’m at my table.
    I’m on my chair. I’m on my chair.
    Where’s my book? Where’s my book?
    It’s under my chair. It’s under my chair.
[/spoiler] [spoiler title=”NOVEMBER – LISTOPAD” open=”0″ style=”2″]

I love my family!– Kocham moją rodzinę!
*father- ojciec
daddy- tatuś
*mother- matka
mummy- mamusia
brother- brat
sister- siostra
baby- dziecko
uncle- wujek
aunt- ciocia
cousin- kuzyn/kuzynka
grandpa- dziadek
grandma= babcia
*grandson- wnuczek
*granddaughter/ gad dote/- wnuczka
spend time with my family– spędzać czas z rodziną
play boarding games– grać w gry planszowe
go on a trip– jechać na wycieczkę

SONG: ‘Walking with my family’. (piosenka)
1. I’m walking with my family. Look, there’s my mummy and my daddy and me. I’m walking with my family.
2. I’m skipping with my family. Look, there’s my mummy and my daddy, my brother and my sister and me! I’m skipping with my family
3. I’m hopping with my family. Look, there’s my mummy and my daddy, my brother and my sister, my granny and my grandpa and me. I’m hopping with my family.
4. I’m hugging all my family. My mummy and my daddy, my brother and my sister, my granny and my grandpa, and me. I’m hugging all my family.
5. I’m hugging all my family. Look, there’s my mummy and our baby! Aaahhhh!

BODY PARTS– części ciała
head- głowa
hair- włosy
ear- ucho
eye /aj/- oko
chin- broad
cheeks /cziks/- policzki
tooth /tuf/- ząb teeth /tif/- zęby
tongue /tang/- język
mouth- usta
face- twarz
nose- nos
neck- szyja
shoulder- barki
arm- ręka
elbow- łokieć
hand- ręka
fingers- palce
chest- klatka piersiowa
tammy- brzuch
hips- biodra
thigh /taj/- udo
kbnee /ni:/- kolano
ankle- kostka
foot- stopa feet- stopy

[/spoiler] [spoiler title=”DECEMBER – GRUDZIEŃ” open=”0″ style=”2″]

CLOTHES– ubrania

Tshirt- koszulka

trousers–  spodnie

jumper- sweter

shoes- buty

socks– skarpety

hat- kapelusz

coat- płaszcz

skirt- spódniczka

shorts– spodenki

sandals – sandały

dress- sukienka

scarf- szalik

jacket- kurtka

weather- pogoda 

sunny- słonecznie

rainy- deszczowo

cold– zimno

hot- gorąco


Christmas Vocabulary– świąteczne słownictwo


–  Christmas – święta

– Santa Claus- Święty Mikołaj

– Snowman – bałwan

– Christmas tree – choinka

– reindeer- renifer

Gingerbread Man- piernikowy ludzik

– sack- worek

– star- gwiazda

– Christmas sock- świąteczna skarpeta

– Merry Christmas- Wesołych świąt

– Happy New Year!- Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku


Rymowanka What’s your favourite weather?

What’s your favourite weather?
Sunny! Sunny! My favourite is sunny!

What’s your favourite weather?

Cloudy! Cloudy! My favourite is cloudy!

What’s your favourite weather?

Rainy! Rainy! My favourite is rainy!

What’s your favourite weather?

Windy! Windy! My favourite is windy!

What’s your favourite weather?

Snowy! Snowy! My favourite is snowy!


[/spoiler] [spoiler title=”JANUARY – STYCZEŃ” open=”0″ style=”2″]

Winter vocabulary -zimowe słownictwo

snowman- bałwan

hat- kapelusz

scarf- szalik

cold- zimno

cap- czapka
icycles- sople
mittens- rękawiczki

snoflake- płatek sniegu

buttons- guziki

ski- narty

sledge- sanki

snow- śnieg

snowball- śnieżka

Numbers- numery:

one– jeden

two– dwa

three- trzy

four- cztery 

five- pięć

six- sześć

seven- siedem

eight- osiem

nine- dziewięć

ten- dziesięć

eleven- jedenaście

twelve- dwanaście


’I’m a little Snowman’

I’m a little snowman, look at me.

These are my buttons: one, two, three.

These are my eyes and this is my nose. 

I wear a hat and scarf. 

Brrr…it’s cold! (Repeat 2x)

„Grandparents day song”

Love somebody, yes I do

Love somebody, yes I do

Love somebody, yes I do

Love somebody, can you guess who?

Love my Grandma, yes I do

Love my Grandma, yes I do

Love my Grandma, yes I do

Love somebody, can you guess who?

Love my Grandpa, yes I do

Love my Grandpa, yes I do

Love my Grandpa, yes I do

Love somebody, can you guess who?

Love somebody, yes I do

Love somebody, yes I do

Love somebody, yes I do

Kiss and a hug cause I love you

Tekst rymowanki – It’s cold
1. It’s cold, put on your trousers

and your jumper.

It’s cold, put on your trousers and your

jumper and your socks and your shoes.

It’s cold, put on your trousers and your

jumper and your socks and your shoes

andyour hat.

Ahh! I’m hot!

2. It’s hot, take off your hat.

It’s hot, take off your hat and

your shoes and your socks.

It’s hot, take off your hat

and your shoes and your socks

and your jumper and your trousers.

Ahh! I’m cold!

[/spoiler] [spoiler title=”FEBRUARY – LUTY” open=”0″ style=”2″] [/spoiler] [spoiler title=”MARCH – MARZEC” open=”0″ style=”2″] [/spoiler] [spoiler title=”APRIL – KWIECIEŃ” open=”0″ style=”2″] [/spoiler] [spoiler title=”MAY – MAJ” open=”0″ style=”2″] [/spoiler] [spoiler title=”JUNE – CZERWIEC” open=”0″ style=”2″] [/spoiler]